
is an author, artist, poet and performer but first and foremost she is a human who uses her art to start conversations, pour honey on wounds and wake the sleeping.


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I Affirm

I created ‘I Affirm’ to help all of us strengthen our relationships with ourselves and each other through manifestation, self-love, goal setting, healing, forgiveness, kindness & more. I’m often asked the right way to use an affirmation deck and here’s a little secret, as long as you’re using this one there is no wrong way. 

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 Catherine’s Favorite Affirmation Recipe:

1.Preheat your favorite candle to 350 degrees

2.Flour a quiet surface with 1 lb. of meditation

3. Knead (shuffle) the cards until your spirit tells you to stop

4. Put a piece on the pan (pull a card)

5. Marinate on the meaning by reading it aloud 3 times

6. Share a piece of the goodness with everyone you meet

7. Rinse, Wash, Repeat




“After having a year like we had in 2020, feeling like our bodies, my body was criminal for existing, I craved love. I craved material like what Catherine Guy produced. Black Love Isn’t a Myth! I’m a forever fan of her prose and this second book did not disappoint. Folks, the revolution has been published! “Black stories deserve to be told by black bodies. Black love deserves to be highlighted.” I felt seen, heard and hugged. Read this book now! I definitely recommend.”



“I want to emphasize that this is a book that would benefit ANYONE to read. It is written from the POV of a queer, Black woman, and as a straight white woman I can say it touched me and impacted me immensely. I believe this book will help those who feel knocked down rise, those who don’t feel they are enough feel whole, and those who live with blinders on see the necessary light of both the struggle AND beauty of Blackness. Whether you’d like to feel held, related to, and valued, or educate yourself about and support groups other than your own, this book is for you.”



“Reading “Black Love Isn’t a Myth” as a black woman was like reading so many of the thoughts and feelings I’ve had all my life in a book that was written by someone else. It touched me in a way no other book has with the beautiful way Catherine writes about our love, pain, anxiety, joy, and complexity of simply being. I almost felt exposed initially but that feeling shifted to feeling so incredibly connected to this commonality that exist amongst us, my people. Our experiences, our love, our pain, our joy…it’s all connected, we are connected, we are love. It was soothing to feel this and I love the way Catherine was able to articulate these feelings so vividly with her beautiful beautiful writing.”